If you know me, you are aware of my obsession with everything that Elon Musk has created. I follow his endeavors to make us sustainable and a multi planetary species.
I knew he would be launching the Falcon Heavy but didn’t expect myself to be a witness.
Less than 2 weeks before the event, I had a regular customer from the restaurant I worked at (Bella Napoli) offer to pay for my hotel if I could get myself out to Cape Canaveral launch site.
Through a series of hectic events, I drove 4 hours through the night to get a new credit card, flew into Florida and drove another 2 hours to get to my hotel where they had lost my ticket to view the launch. No sooner than 3am they called to my room to say they had found my pass to view the launch.
Arriving at 9am to the Kennedy Space Center, the day began as a tourist wandering through historical equipment. Meeting people who’d worked on the antennas of the falcon 9 and boosters as well. I looked up from the grassy lawn into the clear blue sky.
The window for launch opened at 11. Would close at 3pm. The winds picked up and began the long delay. Elon Musk himself was expecting doom for the launch,
At 2:30 the falcon heavy began fueling. At 2:45 the countdown began. It was the beginning of history. The beginning of the future.
To think on this moment for too long will always bring my emotions forward.
You could hear it. You could hear the sound of energy, and passion. The sound of physics and problem solvers. The sound of sweat, and anger, failure and discovery. And through the break on the trees, out came the Falcon. The Falcon Heavy with a payload of 1 ruby red Tesla roadster 250k thousand dollars worth of beauty and design with spaceman as the pilot.
Next was the ballet of the two boosters doing a backflip back to hear, and landing in permit syncrony. The most beautiful display of love for humanity that I’ve ever seen or heard.
The sound of the engines was more than any poem of roses.
The sparkle and fizz brighter than any twinkle in a lovers eye.
I watched history make it’s next step towards the future.
It holds in my heart as one moment along with the other love affairs.
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