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When I left public high school, I found myself searching for education in nontraditional ways. This desire led me to volunteering..
I have been an avid volunteer for over 12 years. This is not for curriculum or requirements, I volunteer because it's the most direct action I can take. Donating money is the next best thing, but it's a dry exchange that limits engagement and ability to see where the help* goes.
I began with recycling events, tree planting, invasive plant removal, and recycling education.
These events and actions put me face to face with my community and my communities core issues regarding consumption, waste, and pollution.

It's a practice to do something for nothing. These days instant gratification in social media or consumption leaves us hungry and hopeless to do something that pays off for future gain.
To invest in the future may leave our hands empty for now, but the payoff is always greater than the initial handout.


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