I was present for a green business meeting hosted by BTG this Tuesday.
The focus was food waste and the ways to improve.
Bella Napoli is a family restaurant that thrives off of the threads of relationships it has weaved throughout the years.
Bella Napoli is more than a conversation or one plate of pasta. It is a moment we share together that gets us through the lesser days.
Behind these moments are the details of the work place.
Making lists, ordering products, organizing, prepping, serving, and of course loving.
There is however more to our story, and that story continues in our trash bins.
As much as a passing smile can carry itself through the day, so too does our trash carry itself way beyond our bins.
Food waste is one of our beautiful problems. Sending food to the landfill creates methane.
Creating a conversation about composting the wasted, and donating the left overs is not only something we can benefit from as a family who cares about their home. It should be our honor to share the benefit of healthy compost for farmers and feeding homeless who seek a full stomach.
Everyday we work to make Bella Napoli a home away from home. With our excess resources we can spread that family love further than our backdoor.
The free recycle program offers
Consultation, consult summary, solutions and waste outlets. Space and bin management, training and education for employees.
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